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Terms and Conditions for Doctors

  • 'Doctor' means an approved healthcare practitioner as individual or associated with hospital and registered in the TeloCure platform.
  • 'TeloCure' means an online platform for Healthcare Service Provider and receiver from any mobile devices
  • Smarttech IT Solution Ltd is a government registered company who developed and owned the TeloCure platform
Terms of Uses
  • The doctor would be able to use 'TeloCure' (Mobile Apps) developed by 'Smarttech IT Solution Ltd' as online platform (Interface) of service delivery for the patients nearby or anywhere in the country where the coverage is available.
  • The doctor is required to register online and get approved from Smarttech IT Solution Ltd. prior to start practicing using TeloCure platform as service provider complying with all relevant terms & conditions and submitting required documents online.
  • Upon successful verification of relevant documents such as NID, Academic Certification, BMDC registration and other documents, the Smarttech IT Solution Ltd. authority will approve and allow the Doctor to use the TeloCure platform by providing additional information as required by the App. The use of TeloCure platform is extended to anywhere within Bangladesh.
  • During the use of TeloCure platform, it is the responsibility of doctor to maintain professional standard/ ethics, ensure patients’ rights as per Government Law, enter and update the patient’s diagnosis in the App and deliver appropriate services to the patient. TeloCure and its owner will not be liable for any reason for any mis-information by both doctor and patient and any wrong treatment.
Consult method
  • All Doctors will be available online each and every day for a certain period of time as specified by the Smarttech IT Solution Ltd or their associated Hospital.
  • Doctor is willing to show his/her eagerness of delivery the services online by accepting a call request from the available online patient from the App.
  • All consultation between Doctor and patient will be established through video call where possible. Otherwise call session will continue with audio only. Smarttech IT Solution Ltd will not responsible for not establishing video call because of network issue, device capability, Mobile carrier issue and other reasons which are beyond control of Smarttech IT Solution.
  • Any patient in queue will be get high priority in the order and doctor will send request for connection as order. During Consultation with any patients via TeloCure App. the doctor must wear Doctor coat/apron during service.
Service hours
  • TeloCure service hour is 24/7. All doctors are required to be online minimum of 3(three) hours each day or specified by Smarttech IT Solution Ltd to provide services within 24 hrs.
  • Smarttech IT Solution Ltd. shall not guarantee the availability of doctors but will work with good faith for their services on time.
Arrangements for payment

Smarttech IT Solution Ltd. will collect the necessary fees and charges from the patient/s and shall pay to the doctors on weekly or Bi-weekly basis after deduction of necessary charges, royalty/ commission so far received and recorded in the name of the doctor/s as specified by Smarttech IT Solution Ltd and agreed by both parties (Doctor/Hospital and Smarttech IT Solution Ltd.). Doctor payment shall be processed and send to their bank account provided during registration through secured third-party payment gateway services.


The doctor shall use this platform for vital (available services) and e-prescription as a part of online healthcare service. All the prescriptions will retain as backup for 6 months but patient and doctor both will have access to last three prescriptions. So, it is the responsibility of patient to keep the printed or saved prescriptions from the device.


No expenses will be paid for doctor’s incurred anyway such as data use of mobile devices etc. for providing services to the patient.


The doctor shall keep the information of the patient confidential whatever he/she observed or received during the service delivery which may be harmful/ mental affect for the patient or related to sexual harassment or social status and /or any means of humiliation.

Online Service Interruption
  • Upon establish the connection to the patient in a video/audio call, if for any circumstances such as low network bandwidth, no network (call drop) etc. it is the possibility of disconnected in the middle of call from Doctor end. Doctor shall wait for few minutes to reconnect with same patient. TeloCure will automatically retry to connect and establish video call again in short. If the system cannot connect again, TeloCure will not charge Doctor’s Fees to the patient and Doctor will not get paid for this call.
  • Doctor shall ensure s/he is in a place where environment is quiet, network signal strength is good and the device has enough charge to continue with video call. Recommended for at least 50% charge should be in the phone/device.
  • The e-prescription will be auto-signed upon finalization and submission from TeloCure App screen which will be a delivered through SMS or Email to the patient for their treatment.
  • Once e-prescription is signed and delivered to patient, doctor shall not allow to change or alter the prescription for safety reason and keep tracking of treatment records. However, after delivery the prescription, the doctor can update or modify treatment, medicine within 3(three) hours by issuing new e-prescription which will be a part of that prescription.
  • The E-prescription will expire after 30 days and once expired if the prescription is used by patient, the Doctor or TeloCure authority will not be responsible for any consequences. It is sole responsibilities between patient and the pharmacy.
  • Doctor will be able to view the patient’s previous prescription and diagnosis if the patient is registered and used the platform before.

TeloCure and/or its owning company Smarttech & IT Solution Ltd. shall not be responsible or liable for any wrong treatment by the doctor. It is the responsibility of the doctor to make sure providing appropriate treatment/ consultation. TeloCure mobile app shall act as a platform to establish the interface between patient and doctor.

Terms and Conditions for Patient

  • In order to be service receiver of TeloCure, the patient or patient authority need to be registered with name and locations with all other simple information as TeloCure required
  • Upon registration, the patient will be able to consult with the doctor(s) who are active in online as necessary through TeloCure Apps instantly with specialization (General and pediatricians), paying fees, availability of services that include primary care and pediatric online services through video call.
Medical Services

Upon sign-up with TeloCure, the patient will get the following services:

  • Online Doctor visit 24/7.
  • Consult with General Physicians for primary care support with video call
  • Consult with Pediatric Doctor for kids/children’s health issues with video call
  • Patient will be able to see the same doctor if needed in next visit E-prescription services.
  • The e-prescription delivered by doctor for online services shall not be modified or updated once signed by doctors from any authority.
  • The patient and/or guardians shall be able to download/ view the e-prescription from the device. And can show the pharmacy to get medicine.
  • The E-prescription will expire after 30 days and after that if the prescription is used by patient, the HelloDoc or it’s owning company Smarttech & IT Solution Ltd will not be responsible for any consequences. It is sole responsibilities between patient and the pharmacy.
  • It is the responsibility of patient to get the printed copy of e-prescription from the device or web-portal within 3(three) months. The TeloCure authority will not be responsible for such printed copy or not for preserving the e-prescription.
  • TeloCure app is a platform that allows you to establish an interface with doctor and consult for the health related issues for diagnosis and treatment. Your doctor(s) shall have a fees associated with the consultations they provide you through app. The Apps provide a payment service to collect all consulting fees and services from you on behalf of Smarttech & IT Solution Ltd. TeloCure authority will be responsible for payments to the doctor(s) and Hospitals for their doctors services. Your payment is processed through secure third-party payment gateway services.
  • Once Patient accept the doctors call, a certain specified amount will be held from credit or debit card. For Biskah payment, a certain amount will be transferred to ‘Smarttech & IT Solution Ltd’ account immediately before call is established with doctor. For Bikash payment any un-used amount will be refunded after one week.
Online Service Interruption
  • Upon connected to the doctor, if for any circumstances such as low network bandwith, no network (call drop) etc. you may be disconnected in the middle of call. At this situation, TeloCure will retry to connect with same doctor, if not will find another doctor without any further charges. If no doctor found with some specified time the patient will be refunded in full.
  • In case of call interruption otherwise as above, you will be entitled to refund 90% of deposited amount, where applicable, subject to not availing any services from doctor.
  • TeloCure or its owning company Smarttech & IT Solution Ltd. shall not be responsible or liable for any treatment of a doctor. It is the responsibility of the patient or his/her guardians to make sure providing the correct information related health issues, historical data to the doctor and based on information doctor will provide appropriate services. TeloCure mobile app will act as a platform to establish the interface between patient and doctor.
  • For each call only one patient will be serviced and failure to comply will be disconnected and necessary service fees will be deducted from the account as penalty. For any misinformation or unexpected treatment services provided by individual registered Doctors and/or Doctors registered though hospital, the TeloCure and/or Smarttech & IT Solution Ltd. will not be responsible. This is the sole responsibility of hospital authority and doctors.